

Current location of the altarpiece
© J. Muñiz  CC-BY-NC-ND


We do not know how this altarpiece first appeared in the old parish church - now known as the Hermitage of Saint Martin of Barriosuso - however it is very possible that this was not the altarpiece's original destination.

The Burgos Monument Registry compiled by Narciso Sentenach in 1924 mentions several groups of carved figures from this church that were displayed in Burgos Cathedral's 700th Anniversary Exhibition held in 1921. In the exhibition catalogue published in 1926, exhibit number 709 refers to a XV-century relief "of interest on account of its Flemish Gothic style ...... and the pointed shapes of the rocks, traditional-style farm houses and castles crowning it". This comment would seem to refer to the current altarpiece and indicate that it came from another parish of Sotopalacios, more specifically that of Santa María de Acorro. According to Madoz, that particular church was dedicated to the worship of the Nativity; in fact, it is also the town's patron saint. Given its great resemblance to the iconography of the conserved altarpiece, it seems more than probable that this was its original destination.