

Outer side panels reduced with an adze in order to fit them into the wall
© Albayalde   CC-BY-NC-ND


This altarpiece made from oak and walnut and topped with a semicircular arch comprises a single block predella and a main body that was possibly made up of three modules. The rear of the altarpiece is made up of horizontally-positioned wooden panels attached to one another with tongue and groove joints. An adze has been used to reduce the dimensions of the outer side panels in order to fit them into the niche in the wall in which the altarpiece currently stands. The altarpiece does not appear to have been equipped with hinges.

Groups of larger figures comprise one or several figures and/or elements positioned on different levels to give a greater sense of depth. Basically, these groups are made up of two pieces of wood that, in some cases, have been complemented with other fragments, such as in the cross in the Road to Calvary scenario. The upper part of the figures, which have been hollowed out from the rear, show the marks of the large wooden dowels that were used to attach them to the cabinetmaker's workbench. Figures in the upper compartments stand slightly raised on wooden blocks