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Escudo de la Junta de Castilla y León; Página de inicio


Economic Value of Cultural Heritage

Logotipo del Economic Value of Cultural Heritage

Contenido principal. Saltar al inicio.

Permanent Office

The permanent office of the Platform is at:

Consejería de Cultura y Turismo

Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural. Servicio de Planificación y Estudios

Avda. del Real Valladolid, s/n. C.P.: 47014, Valladolid España.


Secretary: Jesús del Val Recio. Head of Planning and Studies Service

The responsibilities of the secretariat of the permanent office include:

  • Handling of new Platform memberships.
  • Compilation of documentation, data, indicators, innovative practices and specific information of interest to the Platform
  • Help and advice with setting up and holding forums and activities, and subsequent follow-ups.
  • Help and advice with projects relating to Platform objectives that are eligible for financing from European funds.
  • Publicising of the Platform and its work, sending out newsletters.